Remote Jobs at Samsara Inc.

Samsara Inc. is a software development company.

What They Do

Samsara Inc. offers a suite of internet-of-things (IoT) solutions. It serves industries such as transportation and logistics, field services, food production, energy, construction, local governments, and manufacturing.

Samsara Inc. supports telecommuting. Some of this company’s remote jobs are location-agnostic and may not require travel.

Remote Jobs

At the time of our research, we discovered remote jobs for a manager - data engineering and analytics, an engineering manager - machine learning and computer vision, and a senior data analyst.

Remote Tools Used

  • Zoom
  • Dropbox
  • Google Workspace

Research Findings

  • Job researchers reported that Samsara Inc. fosters a collaborative work culture
  • Our research indicated that this company is a customer-centric workplace
  • We noted that Samsara Inc. prefers candidates who are innovative thinkers and detail-oriented
  • Research indicated that this company requires some employees to be bilingual
  • Application method: Applicant Tracking Software

Recent Hiring Trends

This summary profile is not an official statement or endorsed by the company above. Profile provided is for jobseeker informational purposes only based on independent research completed by Virtual Vocations staff.

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