Telecommuting Registered Nurse Jobs

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Are you a registered nurse (RN) looking for a remote or online position? At Virtual Vocations, we have both full-time telecommute jobs and nursing positions with flexible hours.

There are plenty of opportunities for remote work as a registered nurse. The fastest growing field for online positions right now is telehealth. As a telehealth RN, you help patients over the phone or internet. While you cannot prescribe treatments, you can help them decide if their issue is one they can fix at home or one that needs medical attention. You can find these positions with both physical and mental health practices. There are also opportunities to work in other positions that may not involve patient care but still require nursing experience, such as a clinical data analysis role. Most telecommute RN jobs are not entry-level, so you need several years of in-house experience before transferring to an online role.

To succeed as an online registered nurse, you need strong listening skills, specialized medical knowledge, and compassion for your patients. Job titles available in this field include Remote Registered Nurse, Remote Registered Nurse Clinical Data Analyst, and Telecommute Claims Registered Nurse.