Telecommuting Advertising Analyst Jobs

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Browse the latest remote and online advertising analyst jobs. At Virtual Vocations, our staff hand-screens every listing to make sure we bring you the best telecommute opportunities on the market.

An advertising analyst uses data from tools like Google Analytics to develop effective digital advertising campaigns for a company. In this role, you focus less on massive creative endeavours, as you would in traditional advertising, and more on driving traffic to certain websites, increasing customer conversion, and otherwise improving the return on investment (ROI) of an online marketing campaign. Since most of your work is done online, it’s easy to function as a fully remote employee. While you still need experience with relevant analytics tools, you can find many entry-level positions in this field.

To succeed as an online advertising analyst, you need strong analytical problem-solving skills. You may also need customer service skills for dealing with clients. Current job offerings include Remote Digital Advertising Analyst, Telecommute Facebook Advertising Specialist, and Telecommute Advertising Traffic Manager.