Telecommuting Quality Assurance Specialist Jobs

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Are you looking for a remote or online quality assurance specialist job? Virtual Vocations can help. We screen thousands of telecommute listings to bring you the best on the market.

As an online quality assurance specialist, you conduct tests on products to make sure they are free from issues and meet company standards. This position is common in all manufacturing fields, but you can find the most remote positions in the software industry. In this career, you test software programs and report any issues back to the developers. While you don’t need to be able to fix the issue yourself, you need a solid understanding of the technical aspects. A degree in computer science is beneficial, and it may be required by employers. You can find entry-level positions in this field.

To succeed as an online quality assurance specialist, you need strong analytical problem solving skills. Current job offerings include Remote Quality Assurance Specialist, Telecommute Quality Assurance Specialist, and Remote eLearning Copy Editor Quality Assurance Specialist.