Overcoming Job Search Obstacles: How to Remain Resilient and Resolute as You Look for Employment
Searching for a job isn't on anyone's list of favorite activities. In fact, changing professions is ranked as one of life's most stressful events. In this job coaching session with Virtual Vocations' experts, we will discuss success strategies to overcome job search obstacles by remaining resilient and resolute as you search for the role that's right for you.
This Career Coaching Session Covers:
→ Defining job search resilience and resoluteness and why these factors are important to successfully searching for and landing a remote job
→ Strategies for remaining resilient and resolute when your job search becomes difficult and you are stressed about potential outcomes
→ Tips for learning how to seize unexpected opportunities during your job search
→ Realistic ways to overcome job search obstacles and engage in positive daily habits as you look for employment