Quiet Quitting: How to Leave Hustle Culture and Work Remotely

Quiet Quitting: How to Leave Hustle Culture and Work Remotely


Quiet quitting is a popular social media trending topic, but is it rooted in reality? A Gallup poll estimates that as many as half of all U.S. workers are clocking out on going the extra mile in their jobs. We wonder, is the quiet quitting trend real or merely a sign that workers are burned out, fed up, and in need of more flexibility in their lives and work? In this coaching session, we discuss the downsides of hustle culture as well as how remote work can eliminate the need to quiet-quit your job.

This Career Coaching Session Covers:
→ What is quiet quitting?
→ What is hustle culture and why is it toxic?
→ How to avoid hustle culture
→ Ways remote work provides greater flexibility for workers