Remote Jobs at Virtual Vocations, Inc.
Virtual Vocations, Inc. is a company that assists job seekers with finding remote roles. The organization maintains a database of vetted virtual jobs to help clients find a work-from-home position.
Virtual Vocations, Inc. is a fully remote organization. This company offers employees a supportive work environment with high workplace flexibility.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Recruitment scams are on the rise. It’s come to our attention that scammers are impersonating Virtual Vocations employees and reaching out to candidates about potential job opportunities with us. These fraudulent messages may come via fake social media accounts, Telegram, WhatsApp or chat apps, or via text messages. They reach out offering job details and in exchange, ask for personal information or sometimes even ask for financial info or payment.
Please note that Virtual Vocations follows all industry and legal standards for recruitment practices and will never ask you via text or social media for financial or payment information.
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