Telecommuting Reservation Agent Jobs

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Are you looking for a remote or online reservation agent job? Virtual Vocations can help. We screen thousands of telecommute listings to bring you the best opportunities on the market.

As an online reservation agent, you help clients make reservations for a variety of accommodations. You can work for a variety of companies, and this significantly impacts your jobs. For example, if you work for a car rental agency or a hotel, you are primarily a customer service employee. However, if you work for a travel agency, you need to know how to book a variety of different events or services and help a client plan a vacation. For this position, you need several years of experience in customer service and travel planning. Remote positions are common, but employers may use a variety of titles.

To succeed as an online reservation agent, you need strong organizational and customer service skills. Job titles include Virtual Travel Agent, Remote Travel Agent, and Remote Vehicle Reservation Sales Representative.