Virtual Vocations Press and Media

Virtual Vocations has been a leader in remote work since 2007, helping over 4 million jobseekers with their goals to work from home. During this time, we have been honored to provide our expertise, insight and statistical information in regards to remote work and jobseeker trends to trusted media outlets and publications for use in spreading awareness and support for the remote work movement.

For more resources, visit the pages below:

Browse the various sources below to find statements and professional insight from Virtual Vocations’ team members and founder and CEO, Laura Spawn about remote work, career services, remote companies and more.

Top Features

interview questions

15 Offbeat Interview Questions Candidates Should Prepare To Answer 

Laura Spawn, CEO and Co-Founder of Virtual Vocations, shares her insights in this Forbes article about preparing for unconventional interview questions.


20 Tips For Mastering The Art Of Remote Work Management

In a Forbes article about effective remote work management, Laura Spawn, CEO and Co-Founder of Virtual Vocations, shares her expertise.

News Sources

Media Mentions

Toolbox: 92% of Employees Prefer Remote Jobs

Toolbox | hr goes into detail about the pulse on remote work featuring Virtual Vocations’ sixth annual year-end report.

Media Requests

Information We Can Provide:

  • Remote work statistics
  • CEO statements from Laura Spawn regarding remote work
  • Certified expert quotes on resumes and career strategy
  • Remote job search and career advice
  • Remote management insight (100% remote company)
  • Benefits of remote work for employees and employers
  • Environmental benefits of remote work