How to Follow Up After an Interview and Leave a Positive Lasting Impression featured image

How to Follow Up After an Interview & Leave a Positive Lasting Impression

You went to all that work. You rewrote your resume (or had it professionally rewritten), carefully crafted your cover letter, and diligently applied for your dream remote jobs. All your hard work paid off and you were rewarded with an interview. Job well done. Or is it? Knowing how to follow up after an interview is just as important as the prep work you put in before. And the surprising part is that very few jobseekers do it! So we’re here to help you learn exactly what to do and when to do it.

The Power of Following Up: Turning Post-Interview Action into Opportunity

When it comes to the interview process, what you do after matters just as much as how you perform during. Surprisingly, a lot of jobseekers overlook this crucial step. Let’s look at some eye-opening stats:

These statistics paint a clear picture: following up after an interview is not just a courtesy, it’s a critical part of your job search strategy. In a job market where standing out is key, sending a thoughtful follow-up can distinguish you from the competition. It shows your enthusiasm for the role, reinforces your fit for the position, and demonstrates your professionalism. Considering that the vast majority of candidates miss this step, taking the time to send a well-crafted follow-up email can truly give you a leg up on the competition. It’s a simple action with potentially significant impact on your job search success!

First Things First: Ask What the Next Steps Are at the End of Your Interview

Asking about next steps at the end of your interview not only indicates your continued interest in the position, but also provides you with information regarding the company’s hiring processes and timeline. Information like this is invaluable when determining how and when to do your job interview follow-up. For example, if the employer suggests they’ll make their decision next week, you can feel comfortable contacting them for an update. 

Quick Wins: The Impact of a Prompt, Personalized Thank-You Email

Most experts agree that sending a thank you letter should be one of the first things you do after concluding an interview. There are several reasons for this. First and foremost, it shows good manners and that you appreciate their time. Second, it again shows your continued interest in the position. Third (or should this be first?), it might make you more money. According to an iCIMs 2018 study, 63% of recruiters say they would be more likely to hire someone who wanted slightly more money and sent a thank-you note, than some who requested slightly less money and didn’t send a note. Here’s why this small gesture can make a big difference:

  • It keeps you fresh in the interviewer’s mind. Interviews can blur together for hiring managers after meeting multiple candidates. Your prompt email can help keep your conversation top of mind.
  • It allows you to reinforce a positive connection. Mentioning something specific from the interview — whether it’s excitement about a particular aspect of the job or a personal connection you made with the interviewer, like a shared interest in hiking or a funny story about their cat — personalizes your message and strengthens your rapport.
  • It sets a tone of professionalism and attention to detail. Acknowledging the time the interviewer spent with you reflects well on your professional demeanor and shows that you value their effort and the opportunity.

A brief, prompt thank-you email is not just a token of gratitude. It’s an opportunity to remind the interviewer of your enthusiasm for the role and to highlight a moment from your discussion. Whether it’s your shared passion for data analysis or your mutual love of Italian cooking, bringing up something specific can leave a lasting positive impression. This small step could be the difference that nudges the decision in your favor. Sometimes, it’s the little things that count the most.

Staying on the Radar: The Art of Following Up When Silence Falls

Many times, job interview follow-up does not end after the thank you letter. Everyone is busy and even the most anticipated new hire can end up taking a back burner to more pressing matters. When you follow up will depend on the information you gathered regarding the hiring process during your interview. Hopefully they have provided you with a time frame within which they expected to contact you. After this amount of time, it is okay to send a follow-up. If no time frame was provided, two weeks is a good amount of time to wait before a job interview follow-up. 

Email is usually going to be the best method for your second job interview follow-up. In the age of the robocall, many busy professionals screen their calls and you may have to leave a message if you telephone. If you’re not the greatest at leaving voicemails, then email is a better way to communicate. That way, you will have time to present your thoughts clearly.  

Regarding the content, make your message short and concise — do not overcomplicate it. Here’s an example of how to keep your email brief and to-the-point:

Dear [Interviewer’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to express my continued enthusiasm for the [Job Title] position I interviewed for on [Interview Date]. It was a pleasure discussing how my experience with [specific skill/project] aligns with the team’s goals, especially [a particular project or aspect of the job you discussed].

As the [established time frame] has passed since our last conversation, I’m eager to hear about any updates regarding the selection process. I remain very interested in the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name] and am confident that my skills in [mention a key skill or area] would be beneficial to your team’s upcoming projects, particularly [refer back to something relevant from the interview].

Thank you again for considering my application. I look forward to potentially working together and contributing to [Company Name]’s success.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Additional Tips for How to Follow Up After an Interview

1. Consider a Handwritten Note

While email is an acceptable form for a thank you letter, you may still want to consider a handwritten option. It stands out as a more unique and thoughtful response. Even job searches on a tight timeline can benefit from a thank-you when you mail it the next day. That way, the interviewer doesn’t have an chance to forget who you are.

2. Don’t Make Your Follow-up Too Long or Complicated

The purpose of the thank you letter and the later follow-up email is just to touch base and remind the interviewer who you are, what your strengths are, and most importantly, to foster their goodwill. When you go out of your way to be considerate of another, it is a natural human reaction for them to want to go out of their way and be helpful to you. You don’t want to mess that up by going on and on. The most effective follow-ups will be very short. Handwritten versions needn’t be more than three to five sentences and emails should not be more than three short paragraphs. 

3. Don’t Make a Pest of Yourself

While it’s a good idea to send a thank you note and a later email as part of your job interview follow-up, don’t overdo it. Too much communication is almost as detrimental as too little and may leave potential employers wondering if you might be an overly needy employee. Make sure you respect the timelines they have provided regarding the hiring process in determining when to undertake further follow-up.

Sealing the Deal: Concluding Your Interview Journey with Confidence

Navigating the post-interview phase with tact and timing can significantly enhance your candidacy. By employing thoughtful follow-ups, personalizing your communication, and demonstrating your unwavering interest and fit for the role, you set yourself apart in a crowded job market. Remember, each interaction is an opportunity to reinforce your strengths and commitment to the position. With these strategies in hand, you’re not just waiting for a response — you’re actively contributing to a positive and lasting impression that could ultimately tip the scales in your favor. Stay persistent, stay professional, and most importantly, stay positive. Your next great opportunity is just a follow-up away.

Take Your Job Search to New Heights: Discover the Power of Expert Career Coaching

Ready to elevate your job search to the next level? Our career coaching services are tailored specifically for remote jobseekers like you. Whether you’re navigating the interview process, crafting compelling follow-up emails, or aiming to make a memorable impression, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back. Contact us now to schedule your personalized coaching session and start turning those interviews into job offers!

Do you make it a habit to follow up after interviews, or at least send a thank you note? Connect with Virtual Vocations on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube to share your thoughts and tips. We’d love to hear from you!

Portions of this content were written by Rachael Pasini and Skye Rodgers for the original 2018 and 2019 articles.

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