Learn about recession-proof remote jobs that offer the best job security

8 Recession-Proof Remote Jobs That Aren’t Going Anywhere

According to research firm Ned Davis, the chance of a global recession striking is no longer a matter of if, but when. Due to a variety of market indicators, inflation, stagnant wages, and a drawback in global markets, a recession is now 98% likely either toward the end of 2022 or at some time in 2023. And while this could spell danger for the job market, recession-proof remote jobs can give you a bit of solace moving forward. Whether you’re searching for a new job or a new career, these jobs aren’t going anywhere.

1. Teaching and Tutoring

When a recession strikes, teaching and tutoring jobs still remain rife with opportunities. Kids still need to go to school. And with the advent of remote teaching, many employers seek teachers and tutors in various capacities.

According to nonprofit news website The 74, the U.S. has an alarming teacher and tutor shortage. As of 2022, the U.S. needs around 300,000 teachers and tutors, with around 52,000 current job vacancies. Even as a recession looms, this won’t do much to curb the demand for educators. Many states also allow you to teach without a current teaching certificate. Plus, they often give you up to three years to get one. As such, teaching and tutoring are two of the top recession-proof remote jobs on the market today.

2. Telemedicine

If you’re a healthcare professional, you won’t find jobs drying up during a recession. Due to an aging Baby Boomer population, a growing population overall, and more people using the internet for healthcare needs, the demand for telemedicine professionals will remain strong throughout a recession.

Some of the top jobs within the telemedicine industry include:

  • Physicians
  • Speech-language pathologists
  • Registered nurses or certified nurses
  • Nurse case managers
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Social workers
  • Psychologists and psychiatrists
  • Pharmacists

If you want to build a stronger profile to apply for telemedicine jobs or you’re in the midst of changing careers, the Virtual Vocations Guide to Remote Healthcare Jobs is a handy resource.

3. Business Consultants

Businesspeople with experience or knowledge of a specific industry may have one of the top recession-proof remote jobs available: business consultants. As a business consultant, you instruct companies or management on how to succeed despite a market downturn. This could include a business audit, how to motivate employees, or how to streamline operations.

When a recession hits, businesses are inundated with a variety of problems, and sometimes, a fresh or impartial look is just what companies need. Business consultants with the right mix of experience, education, and expertise can certainly find work within this industry as independent contractors, freelancers, or part of a consulting firm.

4. Insurance Agents

Although the insurance industry certainly isn’t impervious to a recession, it’s one of the last things that American families cut from their budgets. Car insurance is mandatory in 49 states — excluding New Hampshire — and Americans are unlikely to part with health insurance when times are tight.

As such, insurance agents are one of the top recession-proof remote jobs. As consumers look for the best deal on insurance to lower their expenses, an insurance agent helps them find the best option for their needs. And with relatively low barriers to entry, it’s a great career option for those who want to change jobs before an imminent recession occurs.

5. IT Workers

The IT world is booming for those with the experience or education to excel on the job. Software engineers, DevOps engineers, app creators, web designers, and e-commerce professionals are all unlikely to experience a sudden downturn in employment opportunities, simply because so much of today’s business operates online.

While the demand for IT workers may slow during a recession simply due to an all-time high in demands for these workers, it won’t have the shrinkage that other industries may experience, making it a solid choice for recession-proof remote jobs.

6. Accountants

During a recession, the revenues generated by companies will almost certainly trend downward as consumers have less to spend. However, this won’t have nearly as much of an effect on the demand for accountants.

Remote accounting jobs are still plentiful during a recession, as the need for financial data and information rises. Companies use this information to find out where to trim or add, but the accounting department itself is unlikely to change its employment numbers. While a CPA can certainly make you a more attractive candidate, even entry-level accountants can often find employment for companies that need more manpower without the hefty price tag of certified accountants.

In addition, many firms hire more accountants and tax professionals during tax season, offering a way for accounting professionals to earn supplemental income during a recession.

7. Interpreters and Translators

As one of the world’s biggest melting pots, the United States never has a shortage of immigrants coming to America for better opportunities. According to the Migration Policy Institute, around 22% of Americans don’t speak English at home — a trend that’s likely to continue or increase, especially as immigrants look for work during a global recession.

As a result, interpreters and translators are in high demand across a variety of industries. Tasked with the job of doing written or spoken translations, these professionals offer a service that many other Americans can’t. Only about 20% of Americans are bilingual, giving those who speak or write two or more languages fluently a chance to earn income in this recession-proof remote job.

8. Financial Advisor

When markets decline and interest rates rise, families and individuals are constantly searching for a safe haven for their money. However, around 1/3 of Americans are financially illiterate and 61% live paycheck to paycheck. This creates massive problems in terms of retirement, budgeting, and financial planning.

Due to these issues, the demand for financial advisors often rises during a recession, especially as people look for ways to tighten their finances. Financial advisors help people solve these problems. Through consultation and knowledge of recessions, financial advisors aid clients to stay liquid and solvent. Barriers to entry are relatively low, and many can switch to this career with just a bit of drive. Plus, many employers pay for licenses and classes to improve the knowledge of newly minted financial advisors.

Let Virtual Vocations Help You Through a Recession

While recession-proof remote jobs are helping keep opportunities afloat, you may still need a helping hand when it comes to your employment hunt. That’s when Virtual Vocations can help. A Virtual Vocations membership provides you with the many resources you need to remain employed, even during a global recession. Offering a job board with thousands of listings, a company database to help you research, a portfolio builder, and resume and cover letter writing, you have everything you need to land your next job. You can’t avoid a recession, but you can certainly weather the storm with a remote job you love.

Are you thinking of changing your career path? Which of these recession-proof jobs caught your eye? Connect with Virtual Vocations on FacebookTwitterLinkedInInstagram, and YouTube to share your thoughts and tips. We’d love to hear from you!

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