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7 Expert Tips on Selecting the Best Font for Resume Readability

In the competitive world of job searching, every detail counts, especially when it comes to your resume. The font you choose is more than just a style decision; it’s a strategic move that can significantly impact the readability and professionalism of your application. With the right font, your resume can stand out in a sea of candidates. We’re going to help you navigate the subtle yet important choice of selecting the best font for your resume, ensuring it catches the eye of recruiters for all the right reasons.

Setting the Tone: The Impact of Font Choice on Resume Design and Professional Perception

The font you choose for your resume does more than fill space; it sets the tone for your entire application. In resume design, the right font is a silent ambassador of your professionalism and attention to detail. It’s not just about the words you write; how those words are presented can significantly impact their readability and the overall impression you make on potential employers.

Readability is crucial.

A font that’s too ornate or hard to decipher can frustrate recruiters, who often skim through hundreds of resumes. Conversely, a clean, straightforward font helps convey your information clearly and efficiently, increasing the chances that key details catch the reader’s eye.

Professionalism is equally important.

Your font choice can subconsciously influence how recruiters perceive your application’s seriousness. A professional, well-chosen font suggests that you’re diligent and considerate about how you present yourself, an essential quality in any potential employee.

Selecting the right font is a strategic step in crafting a resume that’s not only easy to read but also reflects your professional identity. As we explore further, remember that the best font for your resume is one that aligns with these two core principles: readability and professionalism.

Serif vs. Sans Serif: Understanding Font Styles for Your Resume

When choosing the best font for your resume, understanding the difference between serif and sans serif fonts is essential. Each type has its unique characteristics and implications for your resume’s design and readability.

Serif Fonts

Serif fonts are characterized by small lines or strokes attached to the ends of their letters. Think of fonts like Times New Roman or Garamond.


  • Professional Appeal: Often associated with tradition and reliability, making them a safe choice for more conservative industries.
  • Readability in Print: The serifs help guide the eye along lines of text, particularly in printed form.


  • Potential Clutter: In smaller sizes, serifs might make text look cluttered, impacting readability.
  • Old-fashioned Perception: Some may view them as outdated, especially in modern, dynamic fields.

Sans Serif Fonts

Sans Serif fonts, like Arial or Helvetica, lack the small strokes at the end of letters, giving them a cleaner, more modern look.


  • Modern Feel: They’re often seen as sleek and contemporary, ideal for industries that value innovation.
  • Screen Readability: Sans Serif fonts are generally easier to read on digital screens, important as most resumes are first viewed electronically.


  • Overuse: Popular Sans Serif fonts risk being too commonplace, potentially losing distinctiveness.
  • Less Formal: They might be perceived as less formal, which could be a disadvantage in certain professional settings.

The choice between serif and sans serif for your resume should be influenced by the industry you’re targeting and whether your resume will be primarily printed or viewed digitally. Consider the message you want to convey: traditional and reliable with serif or modern and accessible with sans serif.

Optimizing for Applicant Tracking Systems: Choosing the Best Font for Resume Scanning

When considering the best font for resumes that need to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), simplicity and clarity are key. ATS systems are designed to scan and parse text, but they can struggle with overly stylized or uncommon fonts. To ensure your resume is ATS-friendly, stick with widely recognized and machine-readable fonts.

Arial, Helvetica, and Calibri are top choices for their clean lines and straightforward design, which help prevent parsing errors. Times New Roman, while a bit more traditional, is also ATS-friendly due to its widespread use and clear legibility. By choosing one of these fonts, you’re helping ensure that your resume isn’t just attractive to human eyes, but also easily navigable by the automated systems that often stand between you and your next job opportunity.

7 Key Tips for Choosing the Most Effective Font for Your Resume

Tip #1: Clarity is Key

The most important factor in selecting the best font for your resume is clarity. A clear and legible font ensures that every word on your resume is easily readable. Fonts like Arial and Calibri are popular choices because of their crisp, clean lines which make your text stand out without any strain on the reader’s eyes. These fonts are not only reader-friendly but also convey a sense of modern professionalism.

When looking for clear and legible fonts aside from Arial and Calibri, you have several options. Each of these fonts has its unique characteristics while maintaining readability:

  • Verdana: Designed for Microsoft, Verdana has a wide, open style that’s easy to read on screens.
  • Helvetica: A popular sans-serif font known for its clarity and readability in various sizes and contexts.
  • Roboto: Developed by Google for Android, Roboto offers a modern, approachable look while being highly legible.
  • Open Sans: Also a Google font, Open Sans is designed for legibility across web and print design.
  • Lato: This sans-serif font features a balanced, harmonious look with a friendly feel.
  • Times New Roman: A classic serif font that remains readable even in smaller sizes, commonly used in print.
  • Georgia: Designed for clarity on computer screens, Georgia is a serif font that reads well even at small sizes.
  • Trebuchet MS: A humanist sans-serif font, known for its readability and friendly appearance.
  • Garamond: A timeless serif font that’s elegant and readable, often used in print media.
  • Futura: A geometric sans-serif font known for its modern and clean appearance.

Tip #2: Size Matters

When it comes to font size, the sweet spot for resumes is usually between 10-12 points. This range offers the best readability while allowing you to fit all necessary information on the page. However, it’s not just about picking the right size; it’s also about balancing it with the layout and white space on your resume. A font that’s too large can make your resume look underwhelming in content, while too small a font can overwhelm the reader with dense text.

Tip #3: Consistency Counts

When crafting your resume, it’s key to stick with only one font. Or two fonts, if you use one for the main body of your resume, and a different one for section headings. This consistency makes your resume look professional and easy to read. Think of your resume as a story about your career. Just like a good book, it needs a clear, consistent style. You don’t want the reader getting lost or distracted by multiple different fonts. Then, to highlight important bits, like job titles or your achievements, use bold or italics. But do it sparingly. Too much and your resume looks cluttered. A well-placed bold or italic draws the eye to your strengths, like a spotlight on your proudest moments. Remember, your resume is your story. Make it a bestseller with a clear, consistent style.

Tip #4: The Power of Professionalism

Your font should reflect the professional nature of your application. Traditional fonts like Times New Roman and Garamond are often favored for their classic, professional appeal. However, it’s important to avoid fonts that are too casual or difficult to read, as they can detract from the seriousness of your resume.

In the world of professional resumes, your font choice is a silent ambassador of your professionalism. Besides Times New Roman and Garamond, other fonts that carry a professional tone include Arial, Calibri, and Helvetica. These fonts are not just classic, but they’re also crisp and clear, making your resume easy to scan. For a more modern feel, consider using fonts like Georgia or Lato, which blend contemporary style with professional subtlety.

Tip #5: Compatibility and Printing

A great font should look good both on screen and in print. Ensure your chosen font is universally compatible and maintains its integrity when printed. It’s a good practice to test print your resume to check the font’s appearance on paper, ensuring that it remains clear and consistent in both mediums.

Here are five fonts that are known for their compatibility and effectiveness in both digital and printed forms:

  • Calibri: Its clean, modern look makes it equally readable on screen and in print.
  • Helvetica: Known for its clarity and neutrality, Helvetica is widely used in professional documents.
  • Arial: A staple for digital readability, Arial also prints clearly, making it a safe choice.
  • Roboto: Designed for digital readability, Roboto also maintains its clarity when printed.
  • Cambria: Created for both on-screen reading and print legibility, Cambria is excellent for long texts like resumes.

When choosing from these fonts, consider the nature of your industry and the impression you wish to make. A well-chosen font can subtly enhance the professional appearance of your resume in any format.

Tip #6: Industry-Specific Font Choices

Tailoring your font choice to your industry can give you an edge. For creative fields, fonts that are modern and dynamic (like Helvetica) might be more appropriate, while traditional sectors may favor more classic fonts (like Times New Roman). This alignment with industry standards can subtly reinforce your suitability for the role.

For creative fields, consider these fonts:

  • Futura: Known for its geometric shapes and contemporary feel, perfect for design-focused roles.
  • Avenir: Offers a clean, modern look that suits industries like marketing or graphic design.
  • Gill Sans: A sans-serif font with a clean yet artistic style, ideal for creative professionals.

For traditional fields, these fonts are more suitable:

  • Garamond: A classic, elegant serif font that conveys a sense of sophistication and tradition.
  • Palatino: Known for its readability and formal appearance, suitable for sectors like law or academia.
  • Bookman Old Style: A strong, legible font that reflects reliability and professionalism, great for corporate roles.

Remember, your font choice should align not just with your industry, but also with the overall tone and presentation of your resume. It should complement your content, not overshadow it, ensuring that your skills and experiences remain the focal point.

Tip #7: Avoiding Common Mistakes

Finally, be aware of common pitfalls in font selection. Steer clear of fonts that scream informality or novelty. Fonts like Comic Sans, Papyrus, or Brush Script might seem unique, but they tend to come off as unprofessional and can be hard to read. Similarly, overly stylized fonts or those with heavy decorative elements can make your resume look cluttered and distract from the content. The goal is to keep the focus on your skills and experiences, not on the flamboyance of your font choice. Remember, in a professional setting, less is often more. Your resume is a testament to your career journey; let it speak with clarity and professionalism.

Additional Resources: Enhancing Your Resume with the Right Tools and Knowledge

To explore various font options, websites like Google Fonts and Adobe Fonts offer extensive libraries where you can preview and download a multitude of fonts suitable for resumes. These resources can empower you to create a resume that not only looks professional but also resonates with your personal brand and the expectations of your industry.

Perfecting Your Resume Font

Selecting the right font for your resume is more than just a matter of aesthetics; it’s a crucial step in ensuring your resume stands out for all the right reasons. As you apply these expert tips, don’t hesitate to experiment within the guidelines. Your resume is a personal marketing tool, and the font should align with your industry, personal brand, and the message you want to convey. While it’s important to adhere to standards for legibility and professionalism, there’s still room to personalize your font choice to ensure your resume truly represents you. By thoughtfully selecting a font that balances readability with personal style, you’ll be well on your way to creating a resume that not only looks great but also resonates with your intended audience.

Take Action: Elevate Your Remote Job Search with Our Expert Resume Writing Services

Ready to take your resume to the next level? Our team of certified resume writers specializes in crafting resumes that stand out, particularly for remote jobseekers. With a deep understanding of current market trends and what employers are looking for, we can transform your resume into a powerful tool that captures your unique professional story. Don’t miss this opportunity to make your resume shine in the competitive world of remote job applications. Explore our resume writing services today and take the first step towards landing your dream remote job!

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