Virtual Vocations - Fully Remote Job Industries - Top 20 for 2022

Fully Remote Job Industries: Top 20 for 2022

U.S. professionals do not want to leave home for work. To meet the demand for 100% virtual jobs, we analyzed the 20 leading fully remote job industries for 2022. Find out which career fields are best for total remote work as well as which remote-enabled employers hire within those fields.

Our Shift to Fully Remote Job Postings

February 2022 marked a shift in our remote job posting policy. It was then that Virtual Vocations made the switch to become a fully remote job board. For the last six months, all new job postings added to the Virtual Vocations job board have been 100% virtual; this means no new job postings added to our database require field travel.

Our decision to become a fully remote job board was influenced by two key factors:

  1. Shifts in employment dynamics since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Survey feedback from remote jobseekers.

The desire for remote jobs is so high that nearly one in five global companies is now considered fully virtual. But why do jobseekers want to work from home on this scale? The results of the Virtual Vocations “Job Satisfaction Survey” of approximately 400 working-age adults provided answers to this question. During the survey, workers named the top work from home benefits for 2022. They include more control over schedules, no commute, and better job security during uncertain times.

A second survey we conducted in March 2022 delved further into jobseekers’ desire for fully remote employment. Among the more than 540 responses to our 100% virtual jobs survey, we found that 94% of respondents preferred a fully remote work arrangement that would never require them to leave home for work.

Ranking the Top 20 Fully Remote Job Industries

The 2022 list of the 20 best fully remote job industries was populated using Virtual Vocations company data relevant to which industries were representative of the highest number of 100% virtual job postings from February – June 2022. We also looked to salary and job outlook data from the Bureau of Labor StatisticsPayscale, and the Project Management Institute. Fully remote job industries information like the following is found within this report:

  • Ranking of the top 20 fully remote job industries for 2022.
  • Industry cards containing job outlooks, median salaries, and top trending remote jobs for the 10 best fully remote career fields.
  • Links to Virtual Vocations company profiles of 60 remote-enabled companies that regularly hire for fully remote jobs.
  • Links to 100 remote jobs supported by the 20 best fully remote job industries.
  • Access to view and apply to remote job postings from all top 20 industries.

The 10 Best Fully Remote Job Industries

1. Information Technology

Companies Hiring for Remote Information Technology Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Information Technology Jobs

2. Marketing

Companies Hiring for Remote Marketing Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Marketing Jobs

3. Healthcare

Companies Hiring for Remote Healthcare Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Healthcare Jobs

4. Sales

Companies Hiring for Remote Sales Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Sales Jobs

5. Human Resources

Companies Hiring for Remote Human Resources Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Human Resources Jobs

6. Financial

Companies Hiring for Remote Financial Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Financial Jobs

7. Management

Companies Hiring for Remote Management Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Management Jobs

8. Customer Service

Companies Hiring for Remote Customer Service Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Customer Service Jobs

9. Product Management

Companies Hiring for Remote Product Management Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Product Management Jobs

10. Project Management

Companies Hiring for Remote Project Management Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Project Management Jobs

10 More 100% Virtual Career Fields

11. Account Management

Companies Hiring for Remote Account Management Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Account Management Jobs

12. Business Operations

Companies Hiring for Remote Business Operations Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Business Operations Jobs

13. Accounting

Companies Hiring for Remote Accounting Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Accounting Jobs

14. Education

Companies Hiring for Remote Education Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Education Jobs

15. Writing

Companies Hiring for Remote Writing Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Writing Jobs

16. Program Management

Companies Hiring for Remote Program Management Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Program Management Jobs

17. Consulting

Companies Hiring for Remote Consulting Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Consulting Jobs

18. Legal

Companies Hiring for Remote Legal Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Legal Jobs

19. Insurance

Companies Hiring for Remote Insurance Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Insurance Jobs

20. Quality Assurance

Companies Hiring for Remote Quality Assurance Jobs

Trending Fully Remote Quality Assurance Jobs

Contact Information for the Fully Remote Job Industries Report

Inquiries about the Virtual Vocations “Fully Remote Job Industries: Top 20 for 2022” report can be made to Kimberly Back, Senior Job Data Content Producer, at kim (at) virtualvocations (dot) com.

Please visit Virtual Vocations’ social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest for additional remote work content and conversations.

Additional Image credits: Canva; Virtual Vocations images prepared by Kimberly Back

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