Remote Work Wellness Survey Report 2020

How does wellness while working from home look? To answer this question, Virtual Vocations polled remote workers and remote jobseekers about how healthy habits and choices, or the lack thereof, affect their professional and personal lives. The survey findings are showcased in our Remote Work Wellness Survey report for 2020.

The Virtual Vocations Remote Work Wellness Survey 2020 was released during National Work and Family Month in October. From October 19–23. Virtual Vocations members were asked to take our voluntary poll concerning their employment situations, health habits, personal life outlooks, career attitudes, and more. The survey received 1,231 responses from both employed and unemployed adults including professionals who work from home as well as individuals who were actively looking for remote jobs at the time of the survey.

Select the button below to view and download the Remote Work Wellness Survey Results 2020 report PDF or follow this link.

Select the button below to view and download the Remote Work Wellness Survey Results 2020 report infographic or follow this link.

CEO’s Statement

It is no secret that 2020 has been an unpredictable year. Amid widespread concerns for public and personal health in communities, at workplaces, and within homes, we wanted to learn more about what wellness while working remotely looks like.

Through our Remote Work Wellness Survey, we were able to gain insights into the way remote workers and remote jobseekers view and practice wellness. We also learned about professional and personal life factors that influence remote workers’ and remote jobseekers’ decisions related to wellness and healthy habits, as well as how they perceive their overall career outlooks and future employment stability.

—Laura Spawn, Virtual Vocations CEO & Co-Founder


Healthy Habits and Wellness

Respondents who work from home are most likely to engage in wellness activities (91.57%), compared to adults who have been unemployed for the last six months (89.27%), and onsite workers (81.58%). 

Regardless of their work location or current employment status, professionals who prioritize establishing a clear separation between personal and work time are highly engaged in wellness activities (91.69%).

91.69 %

71.57% of respondents actively engage in at least one wellness activity.

71.57 %

In their personal lives, the most popular healthy habits respondents engage in are ranked below:

  • Eating mostly healthy meals
  • Getting enough sleep most nights
  • Exercising regularly
  • Meditating

Further Reading from Virtual Vocations: 5 Remote Companies That Prioritize Employee Wellness


Career Optimism and Wellness

95.08% of respondents who feel optimistic about their personal relationships, life dynamics, and futures engage in at least one wellness activity like exercising, meditating, getting enough sleep, and eating healthy. 

The level of support respondents receive from managers and co-workers influences career optimism related to job security and stability. 56.82% of respondents who feel optimistic about their careers and job security say they receive enough support from their managers and co-workers. Meanwhile, among respondents who say they are not sure if they receive enough workplace support or do not receive the support they need from their managers and co-workers, only 31.15% feel optimistic about their job futures and career stability.

Respondents who work from home are more optimistic about their futures compared to onsite workers. 51.49% of respondents who work from home feel optimistic about the stability and future of their careers and professional lives.

51.49 %

Only 44.74% of respondents who work onsite feel optimistic about their job outlooks. 

44.74 %

Further Reading from Virtual Vocations: 11 Ways to Learn to Love Your Job


Workplace Support and Wellness

Remote managers who invest in the well-being of their teams and deploy good communication skills can positively impact the lives and futures of their employees. 52.50% of respondents who state they communicate well with management regarding job responsibilities also say they receive enough support from their managers and co-workers. Comparatively, only 17.50% of respondents who report positive job related communication with management say they do not receive the workplace support they need most of the time. 

71.69% of respondents who feel concerned or unsure about their employment situations doubt the support they receive at work or flatly do not receive the management and co-worker support they need most of the time.

71.69 %

27.60% of respondents who are concerned their jobs are at risk or are uncertain about the stability of their employment situations have also felt isolated and lonely at work in the last six months.

27.6 %

Further Reading from Virtual Vocations: How to Support Employees Struggling with Remote Work


Relationships and Wellness

94.00% of respondents who say their personal relationships have improved in the last six months also engage in at least one wellness activity; 27.88% of this group has also experienced increased productivity during the same amount of time. 

Meanwhile, only 25.16% of respondents who reported feelings of isolation and loneliness at work in the last six months increased their efficiency and productivity at work during the same amount of time. Productivity further declines for respondents who have felt increased isolation and loneliness from friends and family in the last six months. This group only reports a 23.94% increase in productivity in the last six months.

The presence and quality of interpersonal relationships directly impacts work efficiency, but job status can also affect interpersonal relationships. 21.44% of respondents who have been unemployed for the last six months say the quality of their personal relationships has declined.

21.44 %

Further Reading from Virtual Vocations: Navigating Relationships as a Remote Worker


Job Performance and Wellness

89.94% of respondents who have experienced more job satisfaction in the last six months also report they engage in healthy habits like exercising, meditating, getting enough sleep, and eating healthy. 58.48% who experienced increased work efficiency and productivity in the last six months also prioritize having a clear separation between personal and work time.

91.21% of respondents who experienced increased efficiency and productivity at work in the last six months also engage in at least one wellness activity.

91.21 %

35.45% of respondents who experienced increased efficiency and productivity in their work in the past six months also socially interact with their co-workers on a regular basis.

35.45 %

Further Reading from Virtual Vocations: Impress Your Telecommute Boss without Sucking Up

3 Ways to Improve Wellness Levels as a Remote Worker

1. Work Smarter, Not Harder

64.55% of respondents who experienced increased productivity also take scheduled breaks.

64.55 %

4 Work-at-Home Productivity Tips:

  • Work during your most productive hours.
  • Complete 2-3 small work to-dos first thing to boost morale and inspire continued efficiency throughout the day.
  • Eliminate environmental distractions.
  • Seek care-giving help for children or family members present in the home during work hours.

Further Reading from Virtual Vocations: Identify Your Peak Hours and Boost Productivity

2. Make Connections with Co-Workers

34.64% of respondents who say they were more satisfied with their careers in the last six months also report they regularly interact with co-workers on a social level.

34.64 %

4 Ways to Interact with Co-Workers in a Remote Setting:

  • Use social media or remote collaboration tools, like Slack, Zoom, and Teams, to engage on a personal level including sharing family and personal photos and news as appropriate.
  • Participate in team building activities like gift exchanges, virtual coffee and chat sessions, and peer mentoring.
  • Join co-workers in virtual volunteering activities benefiting charitable causes and community outreach.
  • Congratulate co-workers on awards, promotions, and company recognition for a job well done.

3. Care for Yourself and Others

94% of respondents with good relationships also eat well, exercise, meditate, and/or get enough sleep.

94 %

4 Ways to Practice Self-Care as a Remote Worker:

  • Frequently stretch, move, and adjust your position to reduce the sedentary effects of remote work.
  • Recognize when to ask for help so that you neither become overwhelmed by stress nor fail to meet your deliverables.
  • Whether or not you have a dedicated home office, curate a workspace that is pleasant, de-cluttered, and encourages productivity.
  • Value your time as a resource that should not be disproportionately depleted or abused; this is especially important for remote workers who work as freelancers and gig workers.

Remote Work Wellness Survey 2020 Complete Q&A

What is your current employment situation? 

  • 35.50% – I am currently working from home. 
  • 32.33% – I am currently unemployed, and looking for a remote job. 
  • 15.60% – I am currently unemployed, and looking for an onsite OR remote job. 
  • 15.43% – I am currently employed onsite, but looking for a remote job. 
  • 1.14% – I am currently employed working remotely, but looking for an onsite job. 

What is your overall outlook for the future in regard to your career? 

  • 42.97% – I am uncertain about the stability of my career and my future employment situation. 
  • 42.89% – I am optimistic about the stability and future of my career and professional life.
  • 14.14% – I am concerned that my career or employment situation is at risk.

In the past 6 months, have you experienced any of the following? (Select all that apply.)

The following responses have been ranked in order from greatest to least amount of responses received:

  • I have been unemployed for the last six months. 
  • Decreased satisfaction in my career. 
  • Increased efficiency and productivity in my work. 
  • Feelings of isolation and loneliness in my job.
  • More satisfaction in my career. 

When it comes to healthy habits in your work life, do you engage in any of the following? (Select all that apply.)

The following responses have been ranked in order from greatest to least amount of responses received:

  • I communicate well with management regarding job responsibilities. 
  • I have clear separation between personal and work time. 
  • I take scheduled breaks. 
  • I interact with co-workers socially on a regular basis. 
  • I do none of the above. 

Do you feel that you receive enough support from management and co-workers within your professional life in order to successfully fulfill your responsibilities and feel connected?

  • 40.54% – Yes, I receive enough support from my manager and co-workers.
  • 34.36% – I’m not sure if I receive enough support, it varies from day to day.
  • 25.10% – No, I do not receive the support I need most of the time.

What are the current family dynamics within your household? 

  • 35.42% – It is just me and my partner in our home.
  • 30.38% – My partner, myself and our children share our home. 
  • 25.10% – I live alone.
  • 9.10% – I am a single parent.

What is your overall outlook for the future in regard to your personal life?

  • 47.93% – I feel positive about my current relationships and personal life dynamics. I look forward to the future and what it holds.
  • 26.32% – I feel frustrated with my current personal situation and unsure about what the future holds and my quality of life.
  • 25.75% – I feel okay about my future, and am just waiting to see what unfolds.

In the past 6 months, have you experienced any of the following in your personal life? (Select all that apply.)

The following responses have been ranked in order from greatest to least amount of responses received:

  • I have been able to dedicate more time and attention to my family members. 
  • My personal life and relationships have stayed the same. 
  • I have felt increased isolation and loneliness from friends and family. 
  • The quality of my personal relationships has declined. 
  • My personal relationships have improved. 

When it comes to healthy habits in your personal life, do you engage in any of the following? (Select all that apply.)

The following responses have been ranked in order from greatest to least amount of responses received:

  • I eat most healthy meals.
  • I get enough sleep most nights.
  • I exercise regularly.
  • I do none of the above.
  • I meditate regularly.

Contact Information for the Remote Work Wellness Survey Report 2020

Inquiries about the Virtual Vocations Remote Work Wellness Survey Report 2020 can be made to Michelle Rawlings, Public Relations Specialist, at michelle (at) virtualvocations (dot) com or via phone at 1-800-379-5092 EXT. 703.

Please visit Virtual Vocations social media profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest for additional remote work content and conversations.

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